- Always put your jewellery on after applying make-up, perfume, hair products and body lotions.
- Diamonds also have a natural affinity to oils so avoid touching your diamonds as this can leave a thin layer of natural oil on the surface which over time can make your diamond appear dull.
- Remove your jewellery before showering or swimming as soap can leave a film on the surface and chlorine can permanently damage or discolour your gold jewellery.
- Don’t wear your jewellery to do housework, gardening or manual labour. Although diamonds, sapphires and rubies are very hard, they can be cracked or chipped if they suffer hard impacts. Take extra care with emeralds and they are more brittle and likely to get chipped or damaged more easily.
- Individual pieces jewellery should be stored separately in a pouch or in separate compartments to prevent them from being scratched by one another.
- To keep your diamonds and gemstones looking dazzling, wash in a mild solution of washing up liquid and water and gentle scrub with a soft bristled brush. Rinse well with cool, clean water and then dry with a soft lint-free cloth.
- Pearls are a delicate, natural substance and have a low resistance to heat and chemicals. They are particularly vulnerable to attacks by acidic products which will make their surface appear dull. Any form of chemical cleaning MUST be avoided. Just gently wipe over with a clean lint free cloth.
- As a general result of wear and tear, claws and settings can become damaged over time which could risk in your diamond / gemstone becoming loose from its setting. To minimise this risk we are happy to inspect your jewellery once a year.
- 18k White Gold: Over time the rhodium coating on your white gold will wear away, revealing the champagne coloured gold beneath. Whilst this in no way detracts from the beauty and value of your white gold jewellery, it’s easy to have it re-rhodium coated to keep it looking like new. We offer all of our customers one free re-coating if any of your white gold jewellery needs to be re-rhodium coated within 12 months of purchase.
- Platinum: Over time the surface of your platinum jewellery will develop what is known as a patina of wear, which is considered by many to be unique and desirable attribute. However, if you prefer, we can arrange to have your platinum jewellery polished to bring it back to its original shine without any loss of metal.
Diamond & Gemstone Jewellery Care